This is the health & safety policy statement for Foundation Piling Limited, who will also be referred to here as “The Company”.
In accordance with it’s duty under section 2(3) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and in fulfilling it’s obligations to employees and members of the public who may be affected by it’s activities, the Company has produced the following statement of policy.
The Directors of Foundation Piling Ltd believe that industrial safety and health is of fundamental importance in the conduct of the Company’s operations. The declared policy of the Company is to maintain a safe & healthy environment, to set and maintain high standards of health and safety practice and enlist the active support of all employees in achieving these ends.
At Foundation Piling Ltd we will ensure that we, so far as is reasonably practicable:
- provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities
- ensure safe and healthy use, handling and storage of articles and substances
- consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
- provide and maintain safe plant and equipment
- ensure safe handling and use of substances
- provide information, instruction and supervision for employees
- ensure all employees are competent to do the tasks for which they are recruited, to give them adequate training to maintain and expand their competences
- only allocate to employee’s tasks that they are competent to carry out
- prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
- maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and to review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals
- Identify hazards in the workplace, assess associated risks and implement appropriate preventative and protective measures
- establish and enforce safe systems of work
- promote Health and Safety within the workplace through effective communication
It is our aim to achieve a working environment that is free of work-related accidents and ill health and to this end we will pursue continuing improvement from year to year. This pursuit will be assisted by periodically setting objectives and reviewing performance against these objectives.
The Directors of the Company will monitor the operation of this policy. The organisation and arrangements of this policy will be displayed in all Company Offices and workplaces for inspection by all employees.
This policy will be reviewed annually as a minimum, and at lesser intervals if required by legislation or any other change in Company circumstances, to ensure that:
- Company responsibilities reflect the number of staff employed by the company
- Safe working procedures remain applicable
- Individual responsibilities are allocated to correct and current employees
The policy review will be completed by the appointed Health & Safety advisor in conjunction with the Company’s appointed person.